Our Authors
Singidunumusic.com acknowledges the concept of multiple modernities which points to the great diversity of aesthetics and numerous divergent lines of cultural development. Consequently, be it improvisation, written-out composition, or mixed media for solo, chamber, or orchestral ensemble, each one of our authors has a unique and original orientation in their approach to their creative work. Golfam Khayam is a sophisticated composer, a pioneer in deeply integrating Persian cultural blueprints in her music; Kevin Swierkosz-Lenart is a psychiatrist-composer who brings his sense of great erudition and adventure into his work; Composer-guitarist Santiago Gutierrez Bolio draws his aesthetics from the mystical spirit of the Pre-Columbian cultural world; Dusan Bogdanovic brings his sense of cultural eclecticism to all of his endeavors. We would like to remain rooted in the art as it appears; a miracle of creation and awe in front of this world-world with history, and deep cultural roots but also with an open-ended adventure into the unknown artistic experiment. We hope that Sinigdunumusic.com can be “a cosmopolitan virtual musical garden in which to plant creative seeds for the present and the future”.